Church Planting in India

At the core of Mercy Hill we believe that God has given us a mission to plant churches.  Which is why we've planted three churches in Wisconsin (Milwaukee, Lake Country & Rock County), helped plant Imago Dei on the west side of Milwaukee, supported churches with our brothers in Italy and worked with pastors in Rwanda to plant new churches.  And now we have been blessed to be a part of a church planting project in India.  

Here is an update from church planter Pastor Kishore Daroga from India!

Dear Honored Servants of the Most Holy God, Greetings to you in Jesus name.

I am here with sending the Pictures of our current Project 9th Church "Mercy Hill Church." I need another 15 days to finish the project. The Church will be ready by 14th of JAN, 2018. It is a very big project keeping the potentiality of that area we extended the Church and now it is 70 x 18 feet. Three hundred people can be accommodated...

Earlier we burnt our fingers when we built our 7th Church in 2014. When we finished that Church in 2014 there were only 70 members and now that Church is growing by leaps and bounds. We have right now 200 plus believers.we are facing a little bit problem to accommodate. We have a scope to extend only on right side and we will do it in a couple of months.

I thank all the donors profusely for having supported me generously all these years. I can boldly say that your names are written on the bricks of the walls of all the churches. Please continue to pray and support our coming up ministry in INDIA.

With this Church we have 9 Churches in total and 7 Pastors and many a leader trained by us working in harmony and expanding the Kingdom of God.We continue to plant many more Churches in future.

On January 2017 five people have come from Milwaukee, WI and seen all our eight churches then.

Yours in His Humble Service
Bishop Kishore Daroga

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