Mercy Hill Church

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Devotion to Personal Prayer

“Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” - Luke 5:15-16

Luke 5 has this description of Jesus. This statement about the personal discipline of Christ’s life is incredibly insightful. Jesus ‘often’ withdrew to the lonely places and prayed. Just in this we see a consistent practice of His spiritual life. And when you see that He does this, even in the face of ministry opportunity (people came to hear Him and be healed by Him BUT he ‘often withdrew to lonely place and prayed’) you see the incredible value He placed on this discipline.

When you think about the practices of your own faith, how often can this be said of you? I think this declaration about the life of Christ is particularly important to reflect upon when considering the disciplines of our faith for two very specific reasons;

The first is simply because of who He is. Jesus Christ the Son of God and the incarnation of God in our midst, OFTEN withdrew to lonely places to pray. I cant help but be struck with the thought that if Jesus, the Son of God, the incarnation of God in our midst felt the need to OFTEN withdraw and pray, how much more do I in my PROFOUND state of humanity have such a need. He believed, clearly, that to do what God was calling Him to do, in the flesh, required these times of intimate communication with the Father so that He would be empowered to heal the sick and teach the lost. . You can never overlook the example Christ sets for us in our humanity as He lives in His humanity. If He needed these times so do we and so when we struggle this might be why.

The second thought that strikes me when reflecting on Christ’s example of frequently withdrawing to prayer is the statements Christ makes throughout the book of John. Repeatedly we find in John’s gospel Christ saying, ‘I only say what the Father tells me to say, I only go where the Father tells me to go, I only do what the Father tells me to do’. How can he be so confident that this is true? Because Jesus often withdrew to lonely places to pray. In these moments he is tuning His ear to the leading of the Father through the Holy Spirit. He is becoming attentive to the instructions being given from the Father through the Holy Spirit. If we want to be used of Christ in powerful, impactful ways we have to spend time hearing the voice of God through communion with the Spirit. To know where to go, how to pray, what to say, to be led of God by the Holy Spirit we have to spend time listening and learning His voice, understanding His heartbeat and responding to His leading.

Personal prayer times, resting in His presence, seeking His guidance and yes making requests is essential to walking in the Spirit by faith. Set as your goal to be a person of whom it can be said, they often withdrew to lonely places to pray. Your Christian walk will be stronger and more dynamic as a result.