Hope & Stay

Often in life, circumstances beyond our control, can cause us to feel unhinged, ungrounded and grasping for hope.  In the midst of a struggling relationship, financial insecurity or health issues the ability to see a brighter future that is rooted in a secure present is a life skill that is essential for simple survival.

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Tommy OrlandoComment
Where Wolves II: Identifying the Wolf - Part 1
I went deer hunting. Once. It’s not as easy as it sounds. Before I tried it I always thought, “It can’t be that hard.” Deer are docile and non-threatening and honestly they seem a little… slow. Not slow as in they can’t run fast (because I know they can) but more like they’re not real quick on the uptake. I mean, they see headlights from an oncoming vehicle and just stand there. How smart can they be? And so I figured finding one and shooting one shouldn’t be that tough. I was wrong.
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Where Wolves I: Who Are The Wolves
Pastor’s conferences are kinda weird. Over my years of ministry I have been to a lot of these conferences and I have noticed an odd dynamic. Quite often these events consist of pastors telling pastors how pastors are really important or how pastors are under-appreciated or how pastors need to be respected or how pastors have a hard job. The whole thing, at times, can seem self serving. Don’t get me wrong, I understand there are unique challenges to a pastor’s life and spending time talking, sharing and even, on occasion, commiserating can be deeply beneficial but at times this exercise can move from being supportive and affirming to misguided and destructive. (if you’re not a pastor keep reading, this is ultimately about church-goers not pastors)
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